Plants and Gardens

About this unit:

This unit of work illustrates a teaching and learning cycle that builds students’ knowledge of plants and gardens, incorporating key grammatical structures of a procedural text. The teaching and learning activities are designed to support students’ ability to express their understanding of the topic, deconstruct the main grammatical features and structures of a procedure and support their ability to construct a final written assessment about how to grow a sunflower. The activities in this unit incorporate a range of language learning experiences that support oral language development, as well as provides differentiated tasks and ideas for EAL Foundation students at Levels A1 and A2. The Languages and Multicultural Education Resource Centre (LMERC) has also provided a reading list of related resources available for borrowing.

Credit to Lee-Ann Derrick from Blackburn English Language School for her contributions to this unit.


Overview of the unit:

Complete unit of work:

To read the complete unit on Plants and Gardens, click below:

Plants and Gardens – Foundation, Level A1 and A2 [PDF]

Plants and Gardens – Foundation, Level A1 and A2 [Word]

Blank templates:

Looking for blank templates that you can use for your own unit planning? Click below.