Other useful assessment tools
1. TEAL reading self-assessment tool for EAL learners:
This self assessment tool can be used by EAL students to rate their reading in English. It asks students to rate how often they do certain actions related to reading comprehension, reading strategies, reading fluency and reading attitudes and habits. Click below for your preferred version of the questionnaire.
2. TEAL writing task observation guide:
Systematically observing the way students go about writing will give you assessment data to supplement analysis of a student’s work against criteria. Keeping observation records allows you see how students approach a writing task, how they write different types of texts, or how they may change the way they write over time.
Using the observation sheets: Unobtrusively observe the student as they complete the TEAL writing task. This will give you valuable information about the student’s writing fluency, the approach they take to planning and producing their work, and the resources they use to write. Some strategies to look for are provided on the landscape format, but you may also observe strategies not listed here. Strategies may be different for writing with pen/pencil on paper compared to using a keyboard and computer or tablet.
Observations can be recorded on either of the two formats (landscape layout, 2 pages or portrait layout, 1 page) depending on your preference.