Indigenous Superstars – Years 5 and 6, Levels B2 and B3

About this unit:

Warning: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander users are respectfully advised the following resource contains information and images about deceased persons.

Aboriginal people whose traditional lands and waters exist within the boundaries that today frame the state of Victoria are often collectively called Koorie peoples or Koories. Koorie is a contemporary collective or group term. Throughout this unit of work, the term Indigenous may also be used inclusively to refer to both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

This unit of work  illustrates a teaching and learning cycle that builds students’ knowledge and understandings of the Indigenous people, culture and heritage, incorporating key grammatical structures of a biographical recount. The teaching and learning activities are designed to support students’ ability to express their understanding of the topic, deconstruct the main grammatical features and structures of a biography and support their ability to construct a final written biographical piece about a notable Indigenous superstar. The activities in this unit incorporate a range of language learning experiences that support oral language development, as well as provides differentiated tasks and ideas for EAL Grades 5 & 6 students at Levels B2 and B3. The Languages and Multicultural Education Resource Centre (LMERC) has also provided a reading list of related resources available for borrowing.


A special thank you to the Koorie Outcomes Division of the Department of Education and Training for their contributions and advice to ensure the resources and activities incorporated throughout the unit are designed in an inclusive and respectful manner.

Overview of the unit:





















Complete unit of work:

To read the complete unit on Indigenous Superstars, click below:

Blank templates:

Looking for blank templates that you can use for your own unit planning? Click below.