TEAL and the new Victorian curriculum 2017

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    • #4873

      What curriculum wording does TEAL use – will this be a problem for us when Victoria goes back to Victorian curriculum?

      What do the 1 – 4 along the left side of the assessment sheets correlate with?

    • #4900

      Hi Claire

      Thanks for the questions. A few other people have asked questions like this.
      The TEAL team are monitoring developments in the development of a new EAL framework as part of the forthcoming Victorian Curriculum. When it is finalsed we expect we will adjust TEAL to reflect the new curriculum.
      However, TEAL can be used in conjunction with any EAL curriculum framework, as it can be matched to general levels of skill in English and stage of schooling. When TEAL team members presented at the ACTA conference in Perth recently teachers from other states were able to relate the TEAL materials to their stats’ EAL frameworks.

      The numbers at the left side of the TEAL criteria sheets are levels of performance of the task.So they relate to which level of descriptors apply to how a student’s completion of a task. The scales on the right side of the Criteria sheet give a rough approximation of the possible AusVELS EAL stage that may apply to a student performing the task at that level. But remeber one task is not enough to assign a student to an AusVELS EAL stage. you need to make such a judgment based on how a student performs a number of different tasks.

      Alan Williams

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