RVEAL – Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is RVEAL?

RVEAL is an online assessment instrument developed for use with EAL learners in Years 3 to 10. The instrument is designed to provide formative assessment information about students’ reading and vocabulary skills and knowledge.

2. Does RVEAL replace other assessments?

RVEAL is not intended to function as a stand-alone assessment instrument or to provide a proxy assessment of a student’s overall language proficiency. Ongoing assessment across all aspects of speaking and listening, reading and viewing and writing, should be used to gain the most comprehensive possible picture of a student’s English language proficiency and to inform the development of learning programs.

RVEAL is part of a wider set of assessment tools located on the TEAL website.

3. How can teachers access RVEAL?

In order to access the assessments, teachers should email insight@education.vic.gov.au to request access.

5. Do teachers receive student reports?

Teachers can access individual and class level reports on the Insight Assessment Platform. System level reports are available to school administrators to enable tracking of year level cohorts.

6. Can any student in Years 3 – 10 undertake RVEAL?

Students need some literacy and computer skills to complete an assessment. RVEAL is not designed for students who are absolute beginners or with limited literacy in English.