TEAL text framework


Text macrofunction Definition Possible text forms for assessing reading and writing
Academic texts Everyday/multimodal texts
Informative texts

Texts whose primary purpose is to provide information. They include texts which are culturally important in society and are valued for their informative content, as a store of knowledge and for their value as part of everyday life.

  • descriptions
  • procedures
  • explanations
  • reports
  • recounts of events
  • news articles
  • notes
  • summaries
  • lists
  • signs, labels
  • personal recounts
  • messages, SMS texts
  • invitations
  • letters, postcards
  • Twitter, email
  • wiki
  • news items
  • feature interviews
  • biographies
  • proverbs
  • instructions, directions
  • rules, laws
Imaginative texts Texts whose primary purpose is to entertain through their use of literary, expressive or imaginative elements. They are recognized for their form, style and artistic or aesthetic value.
  • narratives, stories, novels
  • traditional tales, myths, legends, fables
  • picture books
  • youth/child fiction
  • poems
  • dialogues, play scripts
  • captions
  • cartoons
  • graphic novels
  • digital stories
  • diaries
  • Facebook
  • magazine articles
  • song lyrics
  • jokes, riddles

Persuasive texts

Texts whose primary purpose is to put forward a point of view and persuade the reader, viewer or listener. They form a significant part of modern communication in both print and digital environments.

  • arguments
  • expositions
  • reviews
  • discussions
  • essays
  • speeches
  • personal opinion
  • blogs
  • advertisements
  • sales brochures
  • posters
  • jingles, slogans

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Text macrofunction (‘Type of text’ – ACARA English Australian Curriculum): Text classification according to the particular, primary purpose they are designed to achieve.