Upload samples of work here
Use the form below if you’d like to upload a sample or a marked criteria sheet to use in the TEAL Benchmarking Forums. The process is as follows:
- Select and de-identify your sample of work (or criteria sheet).
- Save your file to your device. You’re free to take a photo using your mobile phone or tablet, or to scan hard copies. Both methods work.
- Return to this page: https://teal.global2.vic.edu.au/teacher-benchmarking/upload.
- Complete the form below to upload your file and create a link to your sample of work.
- Check your email for your automated link. This email will appear to come from Global2. It usually takes a minute or so to arrive. If it hasn’t arrived in a minute or two, please check your Junk Mail.
- Test or use your new link in the Benchmarking Forum!