Moderation samples
Thank you for considering submitting a sample for us to assess during one of our upcoming online moderation meetings. This page will guide you through the process. Please scroll to find responses to some frequently asked questions .
How to submit a sample for use at our moderation meeting:
You can submit writing or speech samples to us using the following methods.
- Use the form below. You will receive an automated email indicating that your audio sample has been received. At the bottom of this email, you’ll find a link that includes the word ‘formidable’. For those of you who are opting to post this link in forums, copy this link. You’ll then be set to post it in the forums, as you wish. Otherwise, please take this email as acknowledgement that we have received your file.
- Email. Send your file to us.
- Using a mobile phone?
- iPhone or iPad users: Open your Photos app. Under the tab that says ‘photos’, press on ‘select’. Choose the file you would like to share. Tap on the button that says “share”. You will see a row of icons. Select Copy iCloud Link. Once this link has been copied, you can paste it into whatever app is easiest to use. (e.g. email). Send your email to wallis.anna-lise.a [at] (or to yourself for forwarding if the apps on your phone contain private addresses.)
- Android users. As above. Find the file you wish to share in your Photos app. Click on the ‘share’ image (the three pronged shape). Select the option that says ‘create link’. You’ll then see a message similar to ‘”Link copied. Share it in an app.” Select an app related to email. (i.e. Outlook/Gmail). This will set up an email ready to send towallis.anna-lise.a [at] . If you don’t have email on your phone, select one of the apps described below. The file will be shared to your own account. You’ll then need to follow the steps listed below, to share the file with us.
- No email on your phone? Please contact us if you would like to be given a mobile number you can use to share your link via Messages.
- Using a laptop or PC? Audio files of up to approximately 8 minutes can be uploaded using the methods above. If your files is a video file (so too large for our form) feel free to share it with us via Microsoft OneDrive, DropBox or Google Drive. Share your files with wallis.anna-lise.a [at] Thank you.
Having difficulties? Please contact us if you’d like some further assistance sending your file(s) to us.
Upload files here. This tool works best if you upload one file at a time.
Frequently asked questions about submitting moderation samples
How many writing or speech samples can I submit?
We are uncertain of how many samples we’ll be able to assess in 45 minutes. We usually only manage to assess 6-7. However, please feel free to submit more than one sample if you wish.
Do the samples have to be on any particular topic?
Audio/ writing samples can be on any topic and based on any task.
How long do audio files need to be?
There is no length requirement. We can always listen to an excerpt only if your file is particularly long. Short files are also welcome, as long as they contain sufficient language for us to assess.
Are there any other audio file requirements?
To protect students’ identities, we are planning to use audio files only in the moderation session. You are welcome to send video files if that is what you have, however. We’ll convert these files to mp3 before the session. We’ll also take care of converting audio files in wav or other formats to the format we need (mp3) before we meet. Please feel free to send files in any format. The sharing of mobile phone recordings has been tested and works well.
Again, to protect students’ identities, please do not use their names in any recordings you are making.
When are samples due?
Samples must be submitted by 11.59pm on the Thursday before your moderation meeting. This gives us time to collate them and include details in the reminder email that is sent to teachers on the Friday. Dates samples are due are listed on our Moderation Page.
Can I see what other teachers have uploaded?
Yes. Writing samples are posted in the Benchmarking Forum. Audio samples are posted on a password-protected page of this site. You will receive a link to this page in the week before your moderation meeting.
What happens during the moderation meetings?
During the moderation sessions, we do ask teachers who submit samples to give us some background information about the task and the year level of the student. You will be asked to turn on your microphone at this point. Together, those present will discuss (by typing or speaking) what the student is doing well, growth points for this student, and strategies that might be used to move this student forward. We will also aim to reach consensus on this students’ stage on the EAL Developmental Continuum.
Thank you for sharing your students’ work with us. We look forward to reaching agreement on these students’ skills/ stages when we meet.