trialling Teal Oral Asessment

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    • #6253
      Carol W

      Hi Everyone,

      Anne, Julianne and I trialled the Story retell with a grade 1 student. She was videoed then we collaborated as to where she would go on the Teal Story Retell rubric. As we were keen to give staff an opportunity to use this assessment tool in the classroom we then presented it to the whole staff so they too could see how they could assess EAL students more accurately. The staff were very interested and keen to follow up with it.
      Carol W

      • This topic was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Susanne. Reason: Internet privacy (school name removed)
    • #6257
      Pam L

      That’s great to hear Carol and it is fantastic that you presented it to the staff and that they were keen to follow up. How did you find the rubric? Did you find it helpful and did it help you reach a consensus about the student’s language.? Pam

      • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Susanne. Reason: Internet privacy (surname removed)
    • #6259
      Rabecca M

      Great news Carol!

      I, Jenny and Lesley trialled TEAL Oral Assessment with Year 8 EAL students. The students were asked to describe, compare and contrast, then evaluate the use of language in two ads (commercials)in an oral presentation. The students were video recorded. Four students, ranging between low and high were identified and their videos were analysed. Drawing from the TEAL Oral Assessment Criteria, the students’ data informed us to develop a rubric to suit the task and purpose. It was quite interesting and challenging to write the descriptors that aligned with <S2 – S4.2 EAL Stages. Nonetheless, thereafter, it was very easy to assess the rest of the students using the rubric that we had developed as it helped marking/assessment to be as objective as possible.

      The rubric was shared with a Year 8 EAL teacher and they liked it. We have decided to use it in future oral assessments after further slight modification:)

      • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Susanne. Reason: Internet privacy
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