19. Writing the text for a brochure for a given tourist destination

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Task details

Name of writing assessment task Create a text for a tourist brochure to attract people to a given place
EAL student stage range  B2, B3, S2, S3, S4
Text orientation Persuasive
Task type Cued response/extended response



Task specification

Purpose To assess students’ ability to write a tourist brochure using persuasive language to attract people to visit a place depicted through a series of pictures
Description Students write the text for a tourist brochure to attract tourists to visit a place depicted through given pictures of a typical tourist destination
Assumed knowledge and description
  1. Content knowledge: Knowledge of tourist destinations and typical tourist activities, as well as familiarity with tourist brochures, the type of information, format and structure of a typical brochure 
  2. Text type, genre: Persuasive, brochure about a tourist destination
  3. Linguistic structures and features:
    • present tense
    • imperatives
    • comparatives and superlatives
    • adjectives to describe places and scenery
    • verbs to describe typical tourist activities 
  4. Vocabulary:
    • names of places, countries
    • geographical locations: north of, south, of, on the coast of, in the mountains of
    • adjectives to describe places and scenery based on given pictures
    • verbs to describe typical tourist activities based on given pictures
    • vocabulary in relation to extreme sports


Learning/teaching context

Language Centre/mainstream class EAL support
Subject/key syllabus objectives, outcomes   English
Topic/teaching unit  Holiday destinations
Assessment conditions
  1. Individual activity
  2. Formal/informal: Formal
  3. Time limit: One lesson period
  4. Teacher intervention:  Limited to response to student request for clarification and encouragement 
  5. Access to resources: Students have access to pictures of a given tourist destination and a framework for their writing.  Students may use their own personal dictionaries, classroom dictionaries and their own notes
  6. Scaffolding (modelled/guided/independent support): Independent support
  7. Accommodations: -
  • The assessment is done on students' first draft
  • Pre-assessment activities can be extended as appropriate for students



Task implementation

Pre-assessment activity
  • Teacher and students revise the type of information, format and structure of a typical brochure and the type of language typically used in this kind of text, based on the analysis and possibly reconstruction of a model/s in previous lessons.
  • Show students a set of pictures of a tourist location
  • Brainstorm vocabulary and ideas
  • Students discuss the pictures and write notes in a framework for the brochure
  • Click to view a framework for this assessment: A framework for your notes 
Assessment activity
Post-assessment activity
  • Students share their brochures in pairs or small groups
  • Students do self and peer feedback
  • Give students time to improve and write a second draft
  • Once the students' work has been read, provide individual and whole class feedback on strengths and individual or global improvement steps.

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