What does TEAL consist of?
TEAL is a web-based EAL assessment resource centre, organised around the following four components:
1. Teacher professional learning resources provided for mainstream teachers and EAL specialists with a focus on building assessment and EAL literacy, including an understanding of the various components of assessment frameworks, principles and processes along with annotated video and text-based guidelines and examples.
2. An assessment tools bank containing a range of assessment tools and tasks aligned with the Victorian curriculum F-10 EAL with potential for alignment to standards in other jurisdictions. The tools bank includes:
- a prototype teacher-based assessment system for the collection and analysis of oral and written language samples and exemplars to provide diagnostic information on students’ English language and literacy as well as more accurate and reliable measures of their stages of development.
- a range of other assessment tools designed to support the assessment of student learning.
- an online Reading and Vocabulary assessment for EAL students (RVEAL) is intended for use with students in Years 3 – 10 who are literate in their first language.
3. Annotated units of work across a range of subject areas and year levels showing assessment tasks with formative feedback embedded within a teaching/learning cycle, aligned with the Victorian curriculum F-10 EAL with potential for alignment to standards in other jurisdictions.
4. An online teacher discussion forum, where teachers can share experiences, strategies and student work samples for the purposes of moderation and collaborative professional learning.