5. Building a bridge
Task details |
Name of oral assessment task | Building a bridge |
EAL curriculum level range | A1, A2, BL, B1, B2, CL, C1, C2 |
Text orientation | Persuasive |
Task type | Interaction and negotiation |
Task specification |
Purpose | To assess students’ ability to plan, negotiate and complete a shared task with another student. |
Description | Students in pairs build a bridge to go over an imaginary river, using blocks, a building/construction set, paper, cardboard and recycled materials. |
Assumed knowledge and description |
Learning/teaching context |
Language centre/mainstream class | EAL support |
Key learning objective | Explaining processes |
Topic/teaching unit | English |
Assessment conditions |
Notes |
Task implementation |
Pre-assessment activity |
Assessment activity |
Post-assessment activity |
TEAL Oral Task 5- Unmarked criteria sheet [PDF]
TEAL Oral Task 5- Unmarked criteria sheet [Word]
An explanation of the purpose, nature and use of criteria sheets is available at 4. Using the assessment criteria.
Sample 1
Biographical information
Student A (left of screen)
Year level: 3
Home language: Turkish
Student B (right of screen)
Year level: 3
Home language: Burmese
Student A
The students work together on the task without any pre-planning. They check with each other as the task progresses, but mostly nonverbally. They communicate largely through gesture, and seek approval from each other through simple exchanges such as, Like this?
Student A is reluctant to take part initially, and defers to the teacher and his partner, who nonverbally directs him. He checks with his partner, using the phrase, This one here? He may be unsure of the task, or is reluctant to make a mistake. With teacher encouragement he is able to describe a process, using simple phrases and gesture, not entirely intelligibly, Can do like that … and cut the paper here… He then plays a more interactive role with his partner, but again with only basic language and gestures, not like that, like that …. He does not always seem to understand the teacher.
The marked criteria sheet shows that the student meets most criteria at level 1 of performance.
The student’s language use in this task is consistent with the descriptions of students at Level B1, Victorian Curriculum F-10 EAL.
TEAL Oral Task 5 – Criteria sheet – Sample 1 – Student A
Student B
Student B is more hands on with the task, and more confident in approaching the task, once he is prompted by the teacher, but he is not yet able to explain what he plans to do. He communicates mostly through gesture and facial expression. He seems to understand most of the teacher’s comments, questions and prompts, What could you put across here? Paper. Do you think you could make a ramp to go up onto the bridge? Like this?
The marked criteria sheet shows that the student meets most criteria at level 1 of performance.
The student’s language use in this task is consistent with the descriptions of students at Level B1, Victorian Curriculum F-10 EAL.
Biographical information
Student A (left of screen)
Year level: 4
Home language: Burmese
Student B (right of screen)
Year level: 5
Home language: Burmese
The students were instructed to talk together to plan how they were going to build their bridge, but did not do this. They launched straight into making their bridge, and their exchanges are limited to the here-and-now functions of getting the task done, such as: put here, one more here, yes stick here, this is tricky, we have to cut this. They cooperate well, asking some questions, Student B: … how, how you stick it? directing each other where necessary, and largely agreeing with each other on how to build their bridge. When Student A asks Student B for assistance with where to cut the paper, he uses mostly gesture and mime. When they make the central span of their bridge they cooperate closely on folding it (although it is not clear that they both have the same plan) Student B directs and explains more than his partner: Fold to be strong, half more, there, we leave it there. He then takes over directing Student A in making the ramp, to go um, where he climb … Student A has been directed by the teacher to tell Student B how he wants the bridge to be built, but Student B largely takes on this role, perhaps because he has more English, or is more confident. At their current stage of English language development, these students have limited capacity to plan ahead, and to explain to each other what they want to do, yet they manage to complete the task. It is notable how few nouns they use as they work.
Student A: The marked criteria sheet shows that Student A meets most of criteria at level 1 of performance, and some at level 2
The student’s language use in this task is consistent with the descriptions of students at Level B1, Victorian Curriculum F-10 EAL.
TEAL Oral Task 5 – Criteria sheet – Sample 2 – Student A
Student B: The marked criteria sheet shows that Student B meets most criteria at level 2 of performance.
The student’s language use in this task is consistent with the descriptions of students at Level B2, Victorian Curriculum F-10 EAL.
Sample 3
Biographical information
Student A (left of screen)
Year level: 6
Home language: Burmese
Student B (right of screen)
Year level: 6
Home language: Hindi
The students work well together, even though they also do not plan ahead. They quickly seem to develop an unspoken agreement about how they will build their bridge. Their conversation is about what they are actually doing with little or no reference to what they are working towards. They verbally direct each other in solving the problem, Student B: I think we have to stick on it. I think we have to use this. Student B: Yes you must stick on it … do here … then I think this one do here … now you have to hold it. They encourage each other as they work together, Student A: It doesn’t matter, hold onto it. They using lots of ‘thinking aloud’ language, which also serves the purpose of moving the project forward, Student A: … need another one, yeah? Student B: Yeah. They notably use few verbs apart from stick, cut, put, and name few objects as they work. At the end of the video, when the teacher asks them to explain what they did they are not really able to. They name the things they used, but were not able to answer open ended questions, such as: What were the problems you had when you were trying to build this? Student B: By sticking them … Student A: This thing, what do you call it this thing … that one we had problem with this one, so … When the teacher asked more specific questions they were better able to answer. Teacher: When the middle went down, you were trying to do something, Student B: We were trying to use this but it doesn’t fit, so …now we have … They understand quite complicated questions such as, Teacher: What do you need to do to strengthen it? Student A: We need the thing there, it goes like this. As can be seen by the previous exchange, the students are hampered in their communication by lack of specific vocabulary, but compensate well by use of circumlocution and other strategies to get the task done. Although their English language resources are still developing, they manage to work cooperatively, watching each other rather than questioning.
Student A: The marked criteria sheet shows that Student A meets most criteria at level 2 of performance, with some at level 3.
The student’s language use in this task is consistent with the descriptions of students at Level B2, Victorian Curriculum F-10 EAL.
TEAL Oral Task 5 – Criteria sheet – Sample 3 – Student A
Student B: The marked criteria sheet shows that Student B meets most criteria at level 3 of performance.
The student’s language use in this task is consistent with the descriptions of students at Level B2, Victorian Curriculum F-10 EAL.
Sample 4
Biographical information
Student A (left of screen)
Age: 14
Year level: 9
Home language: French Creole
Student B (right of screen)
Age: 14
Year level: 9
Home language: Oromo
The students are able to complete the task at a higher language level than the previous samples. Although they do not plan before they start, they are able to instruct each other as they proceed, and to discuss how the task is unfolding, as in when they discuss the size of the bridge, and when Student B explains the need to ‘decorate’ the bridge. They have a shared understanding of what they are doing, and they discuss the task and how to complete it as they go. Student B is able to negotiate on the length of the bridge, Student B: … that’s too long bridge mate. They are more fluent and accurate in their speech, particularly the grammar, where they rely far less on novel constructions than the students in the previous samples. Their stress and intonation is clearer. They lack some topic specific language, such as ramp, and Student B uses the word decorate to describe the need to add railings or barriers to the bridge. They use less circumlocution.
Student A: The marked criteria sheet shows that the Student A meets most criteria at level 3 of performance.
The student’s language use in this task is consistent with the descriptions of students at Level C2, Victorian Curriculum F-10 EAL.
TEAL Oral Task 5 – Criteria sheet – Sample 4 – Student A
Student B: The marked criteria sheet shows that the Student B meets most criteria at level 3 of performance with some level 4 criteria observed.
The student’s language use in this task is consistent with the descriptions of students at Level C2, Victorian Curriculum F-10 EAL.
Sample 5
Biographical information
Student A (left of screen)
Age: 14
Year level: 9
Home language: Persian
Student B (right of screen)
Age: 14
Year level: 9
Home language: Nepali
The students work cooperatively, planning their bridge on paper, as they were directed to do. Student A leads asking What do you want to do for this part? She uses the word probably to signal possibility, as well as we could. She uses technically appropriate words such as stable, equal, half. She monitors her partner’s responses to her plan, getting his approval as they start work, explaining more fully as they begin. As she senses that he has doubts about her plan, she asks him: … or if … do you have another idea that we can do? She makes few grammatical errors, apart from difficulties with the uncountable noun paper, using a paper, papers. Her intonation and stress are near native like. Student B listens and adds to his partners plan, To make the stairs, That’s great. He questions to clarify the plan as the work proceeds, So how are going to … He explains the new plan as she builds it, commenting at the same time, We can actually do this … and just like make the blocks here and here. Student A expands on what he says, Student B: … do one thing is … a stairs, Student A: So building the stairs. Student B’s use of the more basic verbs, do and make contrast with Student A’s use of build. Student B: Can do stairs … do this on the side to make the stairs … to look like stairs. They support and encourage each other as they work, repairing mistakes, Student B: … it’s alright. The task may not be challenging enough for the students to exhibit the full range of their English language resources, especially Student A.
Student A: The marked criteria sheet shows that the Student A meets all criteria at level 4 of performance.
The student’s language use in this task is consistent with the descriptions of students beyond Level C2, Victorian Curriculum F-10 EAL.
TEAL Oral Task 5 – Criteria sheet – Sample 5 – Student A
Student B: The marked criteria sheet shows that the student meets all criteria at level 4 of performance.
The student’s language use in this task is consistent with the descriptions of students beyond Level C2, Victorian Curriculum F-10 EAL.
Using this assessment to improve learning
Older or more proficient students can be asked to explain to other students in groups why their bridge was successful or unsuccessful, and the problems they had in building it.
They can be asked to frame their talk around the following ideas:
- How did you plan your bridge?
- Did you agree on how to build your bridge?
- What materials did you use?
- How did you work out any disagreements?
- Was your bridge successful?
- What changes would you make to your plan?